Vegan vs. Plant-Based Diet

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It is highly important for us to consume a healthy diet. This is what we have been listening all our lives. How we pick and choose our food leads to either a healthy or an unhealthy lifestyle. Therefore, it is of paramount importance to make our food choices wisely, whether we go for a vegan or a plant-based diet. “Eat food, not too much, mostly plants” is a saying by Michael Pollen which all of us should follow.

A Plant-based Diet:

A plant-based diet is a food lifestyle where you end up filling your food with plant foods. Examples of plant foods include vegetables, fruits, legumes whole grains, nuts, seeds etc. the reason why these foods are good for your health are that they are close to nature and less processed therefore, they are better for your body.

However, this way of eating isn’t about being restrictive. The people who choose to go for plant-based diets often choose to eat small amounts of poultry, meat, dairy, seafood in their meal plan.

A Vegan Diet:

A vegan diet, on the other hand, is also a plant-based diet in which you eat veggies, fruits, legumes etc. given the exception that you cannot eat meat, poultry, dairy and seafood. Vegans differentiate themselves from others by avoiding even gelatin products and honey as it is made from bee wax.

In addition to that, they abstain from purchasing clothing made out of fur, wool, leather as well as beauty products and toiletries that are made up of animal substances or are tested on animals. Feathers and silk are also on the forbidden list for vegans due to the fact that they are obtained from animals. Vegans opt to avoid using any animal products because they are highly opposed to the maltreatment of animals in any possible way.

The Difference between Vegan and Plant-based Diet:

Now, the question roaming around in your mind must be that is plant-based diet the same as a vegan diet? Therefore, to answer this question we will compare both the diets and see the results.

Well, a plant-based diet and vegan diet are same in some respects whereas there are so key differences among the two. Vegans eliminate all sorts of animal and animal-related products from their lives while plant-based followers do not necessarily remove animal products from their lifestyle instead their focus is to eat more plant-based foods for instance fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and whole grains.

Which of the Two is better?

Mostly dietitians conform to the idea of bringing flexibility to your diet which is why a plant-based diet is relatively better than going fully vegan. This is because going fully vegan is a restrictive way of eating. On a general level, people who opt for a plant-based diet usually do so due to health based reasons. They do so to avoid processed foods therefore, a plant-based diet is thought of to be healthier than the vegan diet.

Bottom Line:

Whether you go for a plant-based or a vegan diet, the main purpose in your head must just be to live a healthy lifestyle based on healthy choices.

“Healthy citizens are the greatest asset any country can have.” – Winston Churchill. 

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