The Dangerous Escape

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Once I went to Murree, where I climbed a small mountain. On the other side of the mountain, the scenery was beautiful. In the middle of some trees, I saw a hut and smoke was coming from it. Then I went towards the hut and looked in the window. I looked all around and saw no one except some tools and other home things and a pot of some food on the fire. I thought that I should go in and look. I went to the door and tried to open it; luckily it was open. I went in and began to look around. I tried to be as quiet as I could. In one drawer I saw some white powder. I couldn’t make out what was it. So I took one out; closed the drawer and put the packet in my pocket; I knew that .this was stealing but I badly to know what was in the packet. Suddenly I heard voices and when I looked around, I saw an empty barrel big enough to fit me in. I got in the barrel and stayed there.

​When the men came in, I saw that there were only two. They sat on the chairs beside the table. One of the men got up and brought the plates and the pot of food. They begin to eat, and talk. As they were talking, I noticed that one of them talked a little about Heroin. On hearing this I knew that the packet 1 had in my pocket was filled with Heroin. As I tried to move a little in the barrel, it fell on the ground. One of the men quickly ran towards the barrel and found me. I knew I was in big trouble.

​He quickly took me out and asked me what I was doing here. I told him about the ‘smoke and all the things that happened,’ except the .drawer one. But I made one mistake. I told him that I had heard all of their talks. After listening to this he grabbed me and took me to the other man. The other man took a piece of cloth out of his pocket and came towards me. I tried to struggle, but the man was strong. The other man quickly put the cloth on my nose, and mouth. I knew that it had some kind of medicine. After a while I fainted!

​When I opened my eyes again, I was amazed to see that I was on a boat with me two men and then I noticed that I was tied up. One of the men rode the boat and we went at a high speed and after a while we reached a deserted island with only birds around. They took me out of the boat and we went in the cave. When we were deep in the cave, I saw a light. As we entered something like a room, I saw that there were boxes and boxes everywhere. We all sat in the middle of the room. After sometime, they took me to the other room which even had a door. They pushed me in and untied my ropes and threw them aside and locked the door.

​There was only a small window enough for me to get out but as it was high, it was not possible for me to escape. As I was tired I went to sleep. The next day I woke up very early. I began to think of a way, to escape. I thought of many ways, but suddenly I saw the rope thrown aside. I got a plan. I took the rope and threw it out of the window, luckily it reached the ground. I tied the other end to a big rock. Then I started to climb down. I reached the ground and started running towards the boat. As remember the way. As I got nearer to the boat, I heard voices. My heart sank, but I. got a plan I took a rock and tried to throw it in the deck. And they press to it went right in it and to two men thought that there was someone in the deck. As he was out looking in the deck, I got in the boat and pushed to other man in the deck also and locked the door not be broken, after sometime we reached the pace we come we reached the place we came from. I went to the Police Station and left the two men in the deck. I told the Police Officer the whole story and showed him the packet of Heroin.

​After some time, all of the things were taken away and the two men were arrested. The next day I met my parents and my photo also came in the papers.


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