Self-Defense Training for Women & Children

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Every parent fears that their child might be bullied, abducted or even worse. Every woman fears that the minute she steps outside she might be tormented, kidnapped, persecuted, oppressed, maltreated or abused physically. Therefore, it is pertinent for each and every child and all the women out there to learn some techniques regarding self-defense in case of any unfortunate occurrence or a bad incident.

Some of you might think that taking self-defense classes for women seems like a nice thing to do if I could just find the time. But time is not something you find. It’s something you make, especially for something as important as learning to defend yourself. Think about it.

There are many ways that especially women and children all around the globe are oppressed. A woman or a child should definitely know how to prevent bullying, the danger associated with a stranger being extra nice to you, how to identify bad or inappropriate touch and finally how to defend oneself in case of abduction.

What Self-defense Tactics Should You Know?

From children to women, there are self-defense fundamentals that everyone should know. These include simple defense techniques against being picked up against will, basic defenses against hair/clothes/arm grabbing impactful strikes to use on a larger and stronger individual, learn how to practice situational awareness, impactful strikes to use despite height or strength differentials and escape tactics.

Personal safety is the most important thing for everyone. It is necessary for women and children because they are the most vulnerable beings. Self-defense training is necessary as it can improve situational awareness and good practices for personal safety. A lot of violent circumstances can be avoided in this way.

Benefits of Knowing Self-Defense:                                                                                                  

  • Self-Defense can be a Confidence Booster:

One of the greatest benefits of knowing self-defense training is the way it makes one feel. We learn much about the negativity prevailing in our society, and this can make people feeling unsafe. Self-defense training will create confidence in people. Self-defense training is a great way to defend oneself and grow confidence, and ultimately moulding to become a better person.

  • A Better Balance of Mind and Body:

Focus and balance of mind and body will be improved. Without balance it is almost unlikely to fight back.

  • Evolve from Being the Weak:

While growing, girls learn that they are weaker compared to their counter gender. It may be true but there is a fact that through physical training girls can also be strong just like boys or may be better than them. The whole point of self-defense training is to pretend and provide them with a condition that may bring harm to them. Physical conditioning is necessary in every sense. Training and practicing make girls courage internally and externally when a state arises that may want them to fight.

  • It Helps to Develop a Positive Potential:

Learning self-defense will encourage girls to acquire a kind of fighter spirit. If we are attacked the first thing we all want is to get away from the situation without harming ourselves. Self-defense classes can make you ready for the action and primarily for survival.

  • Manages to Bring a Fighter’s Reflex:

At the time of an assault, one cannot stand around and wait for the attacker’s next blow; they have to take the move. Knowing self-defense will improve your reflexes and you will earn a fighter’s reflex. A fighter’s reflex is distinct from your average reflexes. In typical situations, you react to something that occurs. When you are being attacked it may not be possible to fight back in normal conditions. Fighter’s reflex will allow you to progress swiftly and spirited in the situation. You will know where to step, stop and where to kick and punch.

  • Ultimately You Will Have a Positive Energy:

Knowing self-defense will always have a positive influence on your life. It can raise your spirits and make you a bolder and better version of yourself.

Bottom Line:

It is extremely important for everyone especially women and children to know the basics of self-defense. The ability to fight back allows women and children to develop the sense that attacks are abnormal and undeserved apart from the warnings of others and to act on those feelings. Self-defense basics are something that each and every one should know.

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