Posts by Zareen Hassan


Stories, Thrillers
It all started with a simple glass of water. Conrad Jacobs woke to see the glass defiantly sitting on his antique dresser. The same glass he asked his wife to move several times. The very same glass that left a water mark so complete, the wood beneath was worn and…

Dear John

Stories, Thrillers
Short love story
John Just to warn you in advance: you’ll be shocked by this letter and the news it brings. But me being British, it just wouldn’t be cricket not to explain things to you. So here goes. (I’m not telling you anything new here, of course. I’m just stating it to…


Stories, Thrillers
spooky stories
“That will be $9.80,” I said, as I glanced at the driver’s ticket. The toll booth felt like a refrigerator tonight, and I shivered. The driver cursed as he unfastened his seatbelt and fumbled in his pocket for change. “Where does this money go?” he asked. “Certainly not to the…


Stories, Thrillers
heart break stories

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Stories, Thrillers
fantasy stories
Mama used that word all the time. Hearing it was just a regular part of growing up. “Which one of you little fuckers made this mess!” she would say. We were always “little fuckers” to her. So I used it in Mrs. Moore’s class. Not on purpose; it just came…

Duck Eggs

Stories, Thrillers
Funny stories
“Will this take long?” I asked as I set a cup of coffee in front of the detective. I was careful not to let the cup rattle when it touched the table. “I have a tee time in forty minutes.” “No. I just want to review your statement and see…

The Missing Girl

Stories, Thrillers
short horror stories

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Lambing Season

Stories, Thrillers
Farmer story
From May to September Delia took the Churro sheep and two dogs and went up on Joe-Johns Mountain to live. She had that country pretty much to herself all summer. Ken Owen sent one of his Mexican hands up every other week with a load of groceries but otherwise she…

The Amputated Arms

Horror, Stories
creepy stories

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In Broad Daylight

Stories, Thrillers
Inspirational stories
I was sitting one evening after supper in St. Stephen’s Casino at Ramleh. My friend Alexander A., who resided in the Casino, had invited me and another young man, an intimate friend of ours, to have supper with him. Since it was not an evening with music, very few people…