Posts by Zareen Hassan

The Man Who Met Zen

Fiction, Stories
Best fiction stories
Long was the winter. The blizzard had pummeled the farmlands east of Aquebogue. The cool howl of the windswept through the east end of the island. A white single-story house with a small front porch was set back on the land. A fence surrounded the perimeter. Albert sat on his…

Forgotten By The Sea

Fiction, Romance, Stories
Action thriller stories
I need air… I need to breathe, or I’ll die… Helena coughed uncontrollably, her chest felt like it was on fire, and she kept throwing up salty water. Her hands were just as numb as the rest of her body, sunk into the black and rocky sand, mixed with a…

The Big Mistake

“I’ll rip his head off, I swear to God. He took away the woman of my dreams, and now she’s my Lost Paradise.” Where I’m going, I’ll find out where this fucker took her. I’m done sleeping alone at night where a Goddess once laid next to me. I’m coming,…

Dream Series: Who was Death?

Stories, Thrillers
Dream stories
My being would whirl from right to left in a chaotic motion as I woke into this plane. When I hit the ground and stood, I scavenged what knowledge from my environment: cold, alone, dark, and accumulating fear. But I wouldn’t let those fears best me, no. I wandered at…


Fiction, Stories
free stories
It was a perfect summer’s day when Zoe and Jodie decided to go to a local county fair. And the reason for that decision was that that particular fair had recently introduced camel-rides. Neither of the girls had ever seen a camel in real life. ‘Drive carefully, won’t you?’ Zoe’s…

The King Cobra and The Ants

Kids, Stories
Short bedtime stories
Once there lived a king cobra in a small hole. When he was small he ate little creatures. As he grew up he began to eat eggs, lizards, frogs and rabbits. And when he grew up further he started to eat even other smaller snakes. His pride grew with him.…

Grey Goose and Gander

Kids, Stories
Story time
Once upon a time, there was a peaceful kingdom. The king heard rumors that barbarians were going to attack his castle soon. So he called his two favorite pets – the huge goose and gander. “My dear goose and gander, our kingdom is in danger. Take my daughter to a…

A Wise Old Owl

Kids, Stories
bedtime stories to read online
There was an old owl that lived in an oak. Everyday he saw incidents happening around him. Yesterday he saw a boy helping an old man to carry a heavy basket. Today he saw a girl shouting at her mother. The more he saw the less he spoke. As he…

The Fall

Stories, Thrillers
Ladies others the six desire age. Bred am soon park past read by lain. As excuse eldest no moment. An delight beloved up garrets am cottage private. The far attachment discovered celebrated decisively surrounded for and. Sir new the particular frequently indulgence excellence how. Wishing an if he sixteen visited…

The Burden’s Weight

Stories, Thrillers
Paranormal stories
The sign on the marquee at the Loma Theater read, “The Fog, starring Adrienne Barbeau.” My best friend Becky and I thought it would be the perfect movie to see on Halloween since our parents told us that at fourteen, we were too old for trick-or-treating. After what happened at…